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Deformity correction surgery in rural India

By Dr. Pankaj Jindal, Pune | Jul 15, 2022
Times Of India dated 6th April 2017 reported 70 lakh people get burnt every year. Each of these burnt people has an ordeal to endure with a heart wrenching story. They adversely drain their already meagre finances. Significant number is in rural areas, in the folks who have no access to modern health facility. Urban folks know of road accidents, or an assault. Burns and deformities caused by burns are unique to rural area.
These deformities affecting the face and limbs and hands need highly skilled surgery. Children born with deformed face and hands is second area needing attention.
A group of surgeons comprising of hand surgeon, plastic surgeon has pooled in over the last 25 years. This team ably supported by volunteers from Rotary, Giants International and Agrawal Charitable club Pune have gone to rural areas to look after these patients. These regular charitable free camps are held in Chalisgaon, Jalgaon, Shahada, Shirur, Waduj, Sangamner, Shirur, Raipur and Pune. Average 300 patients are screened and 80 to 100 patients are surgically treated in the camp.
It is revolutionary and life changing surgery for over 5000 patients operated so far. It kindles not just a ray of hope but they wake up to see a sea of opportunities and a normal life ahead. This is at a fraction of a cost of what will otherwise cost Rupees 50lakhs for each camp!
While each one has a story to narrate, I will share one.
This 23 years old lady, got burnt while cooking. The right hand including the fingers were glued in to a piece of dough! Unable to do the house hold chorus with already meagre finances drained, the alcoholic husband, dumped her and the child.
Life was tough for this burnt mother. She was brought to our free surgical camp for a complex surgery. The alcoholic father was paid money to bring her for subsequent post operative therapy. It was gratifying to see a close lifeless fist metamorphose into a useful hand with five mobile fingers. A face which was dull, depressed and morose, was reverberating with life. The pace reflected the newfound confidence infused in her by the surgery. She could comb her hair, feed herself and her child and cook.
Then there was a 5 years old burnt girl from Beed who set outside Mantralay seeking help. The Officer on special duty called me and send the family to us in Pune. I could see the family has not seen food for several days. We admitted them in a private hospital and fed them heartily. The surgery followed. Rest is all history and a happy ending.
5000 is no small number. 5000 smiles. But miles to go as they say...... . I appeal to all the readers to be a part to this life changing surgery campaign. I appeal to all CEO and CSR fund managers to participate in this huge void in the rural health sector. Modiji ek baar Mann ki baat me boliye naa !

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