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Rejuvenation of dams by de-silting, to increase the water holding capacity

By Lt.Col Suresh Patil, Pune | Jul 15, 2022

1. Veteran Lt. Col Suresh Patil (retd) set up Green Thumb NPO in 1993 since he hung up his uniform with aim of solving water crisis of the country. Almost 50 percent of our total cultivable land has no irrigation. The Country is striving hard for solution while facing worsening water shortage. Farmers continue to commit suicide owing to their mounting debts and leave their families in jeopardy. The future for” Make in India” is bleak because water for the growth and progress of a vast country such as ours is not available for Agriculture, industries, infrastructural projects, power generation all impossible without water. India receives sufficient rainfall but due to lack of proper water management, scarcity of water arises every year. Col found a COST EFFECTIVE, lasting and innovative concept of Desilting the Khadakwasla Dam Pune, All odds were against him. He was assaulted while removing the illegal encroachments around the Dam site, attacked by local goons & mafia and even his house was ransacked.
• Khadakwasla Dam , had capacity of 3.75 TMC reduced to 1.90 TMC due to silting over
last 137 years.
• Approx. 25 Lakh truckloads of silt removed by Green Thumb since 2012 thus increasing the
water holding capacity of the dam by 0.20 TMC, saving approx. Rs 500 CR to state.
• Approx. 10 lakh trees planted as CAT, to Increase ‘Green Cover’.
2. He is committed to battle the water shortage here in Maharashtra . The De-Silting project is assuming a status of role Model for the Country.

• He is involved in Eco-restoration activity in and around Pune for last three decades. Since 2012 April he has embarked upon de-Silting of Khadakwasla dam .

• Due to de-silting, the water collection capacity of the lake has increased cost effectively by half TMC.
• The De-Silted quality soil is as good as manure/fertiliser and therefore is being distributed free of cost to farmers to be used in their fields thereby increasing their crop/fruits/vegetable yield.
• Preventive measures to arrest soil erosion in the catchment areas.

• Carrying out-much needed and neglected C.A.T. (Catchment Area Treatment) creating an ‘urban wilderness’.
• Protecting the Govt land and retrieving it from the encroachers.
• Creating an asset for the Country.
• A great potential to become a CSR role-model for the country.
Great potential to trigger Green Agriculture revolution.
• The revival of Dams (de-silting) in the country will be much cheaper than connecting the river.
3. He strongly feels that NITI Aayog ,being a funnel to ideas, can tap this innovative , cost effective, idea to become a game changer by peoples participation. The farmers participation will benefit them,can be truly “Janandolan” to become a “Jalandolan” to lead India to 5 trillion economy. Lt. Col Suresh Patil has demonstrated unflinching commitment for Nation Building. With peoples participation, Religious Institutions, Farmers to augment the water holding capacity of the Khadakwasla dam.The success story of this project needs to be replicated at National level.

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