By Indu Bhashyam, Bangalore | Jul 15, 2022
The curiosity, love, trust and the eagerness to meet the teacher the next day is a quality, we grown ups have long forgotten in our journey of gaining knowledge and earning our bread.
These children with their innocent smile believe you blindfolded. They don’t trust their own parents as much as they trust their teacher.
So here comes the responsibility of the Teacher to be perfect in her attitude, speech and action as, she is moulding the future of the country.
Instilling discipline and practising it is the foremost duty of a teacher. This, once set in , rest assured foundation for a good citizen in the making is laid.
Knowledge from the books the children will be taught all along their journey of education. These 3 years of the Preprimary are the formative years. The children are like sponge absorbing all that is taught.
So as the saying goes,’catch them young’, this is the period to impart value education alongside basic education.
Caring, sharing, team work and basic etiquettes of greeting and manners go a long way in habit formation.
Organising events and imparting knowledge of our festivals helps in building our culture in the younger generation. This is found to be depleting in the present fast Tech Savy generation of today who have been idolising the West.
Our Srimad Bhagvad Gita, I must vouch and say, these little children have been able to learn just by listening. They don’t know the script to read yet learn them by repeatedly chanting.
So dear teachers, don’t just take these children for granted and assume teaching Numbers and Alphabets is all. These children are God incarnate watching every move of yours, listening to all that you say and imbibing all that you teach. So be a perfectionist in all that you do and be innovative.