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Take the Pledge

Over 30 million tons of plastic have been dumped in the oceans till now, contaminating and killing more than 100,000 marine creatures. This and similar plastic pollution on land is damaging your health.
This World Environment day, take the pledge to eliminate single use plastic.

5,00,974 people pledged to Unplastic India


About the initiative

India’s plastic waste generation doubled from 15.9 lakh tons in 2015-16 to 34.7 lakh tons in 2019-20. Of this plastic waste, 50% remains unutilized. Given the adverse impact on the environment, marine life and critically, on human health, this is a recipe for disaster. June 5th is World Environment Day and the UN’s focus this year is on the plastic pollution crisis.

The only way out of this mess is to use less plastic and recycle more! The Times of India presents ‘Unplastic India’ – a movement to minimize single-use plastic. Join the movement and make a difference to the environment around you!

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